"Tell Your Story" is a service we provide that is exactly what it sounds like: we craft a full-blown illustration based off your own life story, and smack it onto one of the available product types listed in our store.
Maybe you and a buddy had a memorable trip, or you climbed a mountain that was deemed too difficult to climb (figuratively or literally).
Maybe you suffered a tragedy, or lost a loved one, or found yourself in a place you really didn't want to be in. . . and you made it through it.
Stories come in all manner of modes, and it's our mission to bring those to life.
Now here's the kicker:
Not only is it an opportunity to own a high-quality piece of clothing with your own story on it;
It's also an opportunity to make a little pocket change on the side as well!

Step One
Review The Rules
While we do very much want to create your illustration as close to your mental image as possible, we do have a few Rules and Regulations regarding what kind of illustrations we can and cannot do.
Keep scrolling down to check the Rules and Regulations regarding what kind of project we are willing to take on.

Step Two
Fill Out An Application
Hit the jump below to hop over to our Application Form.
Here is where you'll give us your basic information, go into detail about the story you'd like to be telling, and give us a brief idea of what kind of illustration you'd like.
We'll also be asking if you would like to have your design posted on our store as part of our "Tell Your Story" collection,

Step Three
After Review
Once we've looked over your application we'll get in touch with you at the contact point referenced in your application.
If we decide to move forward with your commission, we'll send you a brief contract, an invoice with the initial commission pricing, and once that's squared away we'll get busy drawing your illustration!

Step Four
Confirmation and Delivery
Once your illustration is finalized, we'll send you a copy of the final illustration and a mock-up of it printed on your clothing item of choice.
Once we know you're happy with it, we'll send you a final invoice, print out your brand new item and send it your way!
With your permission, we'll post your design on our "Tell Your Story" collection, where other people can buy copies of your design.
For every copy of that design that we sell
You get a $5 kickback!
At the end of every month we'll total the number of sales of your design, and send you $5 for each one in a lump sum.
Feel free to contact us via the Contact Us page or our Instagram with questions or for more information.
Rules, Regulations & Pricing
Rules Regarding Designs
- No Third Party Content
We would like to keep ourselves out of any legal trouble, so this means we cannot include established characters or franchises in your illustration.
That is to say, no we cannot draw you as G*ku launching a K*m*h*meha at your arch enemy.
- No Adult Content
We can put in swear words, and include content that may allude to more mature themes(alcohol, revealing clothing etc.), but adult content such as nudity and intercourse are off the table.
- Please Ensure You Have Permission To Include Other Individuals
If the design is going to include other individuals outside of the original applicant that are not simply being "alluded" to, please be sure to have their permission before having them included in the design.
We include half the price for the illustration commission and the item pricing all in the initial invoice. This is non-refundable.
The remaining balance, including shipping of the final product, will be sent as a second invoice upon completion and confirmation of the illustration.
The base pricing for the illustration commission is $125. This price may fluctuate depending on the scale and level of work required on the illustration. Eg. multiple persons, complicated backgrounds, specific request for extra level of detail, etc.
At base price your two invoices might look something like this.
- Base Commission Price: $125
- Product Price: $12.99
- Shipping Price: $5.99
First Invoice: $68.99
Second Invoice: $74.98
Selling Your Designs
When ordering your custom clothing, you may opt in to allow us to sell your clothing on the online store as part of the "Tell Your Story" collection.
Before posting your design to our store, we will send you a separate document confirming permission to post your design to our store, and how much revenue you will be entitled to from each sale.
For every item using the commissioner's design that is sold, $5 will be paid to the original commissioner of the design in a lump sum at the end of every month.
The method of how that sum will be deposited may be specified on the documentation sent during requesting permission to post the design on the store.