The Dreamer Behind The Scenes


You'll notice a lot of we's, our's and us's throughout the text on our website.

But I'd be lying to you to tell you that L3AM is, at the moment, anything more than a one man operation.

My birthname is Luke Wall, but I go by the pen-name "Goodboy" in all my artistic endeavors, and L3AM is the culmination of a nearly 10 year journey pursuing a juvenile dream to become a manga artist in Japan.

A dream that has come inches away from fruition.

The places I've been, the people I've met, and the experiences I've had while living this life have all culminated into a pretty crazy story that I believe is worth telling. I want to share that passion by not only sharing my own story, but by creating an outlet by which other people can share theirs as well.


During my younger years I had a Cairn Terrier named Wookie.

Before I obtained the social skills needed to make anything similar to a friend, this dog was the best of them. A true ode to the term "Man's Best Friend".

After returning for the first time from Japan, a few months shortly after. . .

He was tragically run over, and I had to say goodbye.

I told myself at that point I would carry the good that dog had done for me in my pen name, thus bringing about the name Goodboy.

The name then came to have a much deeper meaning.

The homeschooled, orthodox Christian boy I once was, slowly and surely over the course of the years pursuing a dream, gradually became something very far from who he was.

But I keep the name to remind myself of where I came from, and what kind of person I want to be in the years to come.


I have spent the good majority of my 20's in Japan, chasing after a dream that most people who had the idea have had the common sense to place to the sideline.

But not me.

Over the course of the past few years, I became fluent in the Japanese language, and had multiple fruitful interviews with some of the biggest publishers in the industry (in Japanese, mind you).

But life has thrown me a lot of curvballs. . .

Curveballs that I often let derail me from what it is I am truly passionate about.

But one thing that has not changed is that my life has always benefited, either short term or long term, from living a life that I know will be a grand story to be told when I'm long gone.

I've encountered a lot of trials, a lot of disappointment, and a bucket and a half full of heartbreak.

But right along with it I've met a handful of spectacular, wonderful people.

I've been able to see and do things that most people in my shoes could only dream about.

I am beyond grateful for the life I've lived, and will continue to live moving forward.

I oftentimes feel like it plays out like a manga plot:

There's a tempo to it all. The ebb and flow of the victories and tragedies play out like story arcs.

And I came to realize recently that not everyone lives like that.

A lot of people will stay glued to their comfort zone without a grand story to tell at the end of it all.

L3AM is meant to be a rebellion against that notion. To live life to its fullest, and make a story with your years that will be etched into people's memories for years to come.

So live life like you only get it once.

Live life like a manga.